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We are still alive!!! Despite a prolonged absence, we are alive and well. It takes a lot of work to keep our fans entertained, and to be honest, we are the laziest fuckers you will ever meet. That, and the fact that we have 3 members who are retarded and only 2 who are functionally literate, and you can see how this is such a chore. We are basically no smarter than a hoard of howler monkeys

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Fred Flintsone hosts a BC4M

Fred hosted this meeting, which was out of control right from the start. There was no theme, and the chaos lasted well into the wee hours of the morning. Members came and went, and the beer flowed like water. First up was the Troegenator Doublebock beer from Troeg Brewery (8.2%). This was a great beer to start with. It earned a RFG. "full bodied and smooth... a winner". Then came Brooklyn Local 1 (9.0% ABV). This cidery, sweet brew tasted amazingly like homebrew. I didn't like it at all, but the others found it to be a so/so. Blue Moon Grand Cru (8.2%) was next. The group thought it was good, with the exception of 10PM, who loudly proclaimed that "it SUCKS!" Next up was Rogue's Santa's Private Reserve Ale (6.0%). We love Rogue, but Santa can keep this shit. It was a so/so. Dogfish Head Immortal Ale (11% ABV) was next. What's not to like about a 11% beer? Apparently everything. It SUCKS! As one member sad, "a moron could brew this ASS-STRAVAGANZA!" Starr Hill Amber Ale (4.8%) presented high hopes, but we were now losing our composure. This one sucked too. "Absolutely no need to buy another, why waste good money on this shit". Dogfish Head's Midas Touch (9%) was a relief... It rated a good to get the meeting back on track, only to be followed by their Palo Santo Marron (12% ABV). Although it rated a so/so, one member commented that "you might as well be drinking turpentine". The next beer was a Dogfish Head Burton Baton (10% ABV). They make a lot of beers don't they? This one was "hoppy, sweet, goodness" and rated a good. But, as is often the case with Dogfish Head beers, their next offering, World Wide Stout (18.0%), sucked balls. Johnny liked it, but the others declared that this one was "fucking nasty". By now it was time to break out the Unibroue Maudite (8%). My first experience with this beer was rough, and my second experience was no better. This one SUCKED. We were on our 12th beer with no signs of stopping... Next was a Bluegrass Brewing Co Jefferson's Reserve Bourbon Stout (8.5%). This was a strong very bourbony stout, and rated a so/so. Then came the Starr Hill Jomo Lager (5.57%). We like to call this one by it's spanish name, Homo Lager. It was given a good rating. As one member said "love the name, love the beer...Snake is a homo". Then came another Starr Hill beer, the Northern Lights (5.8%). This was a good beer. It was easy to drink with a nice hoppy taste. Red Hook's Winter Hook (5.9%) was sampled, but the keeper of the book was apparently too hammered to record the comments, so we will never know how this one fared. Then came the Smithwicks (5% ABV). This is Fred's favorite, and it got an automatic RFG because Fred says so. In Fred's own words, "eat that bitches!" Another successful meeting, and another BC4M hootinanny. Next up... the annual New Years Eve Carriage House Commons Crawl.